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Published March 28, 2023

Small Home Remodel Ideas That Make a Big Impact

Home Remodeling by Dana Laksman


Remodeling your home is necessary from time to time. Fixing and repairing what is ruined or damaged can spare your budget since it’s much cheaper than buying new furniture or other house items. Of course, if you’re going to remodel, you’ll need a plan, first and foremost. You need to organize your thoughts - what do you want the final product to look like? That’s when you’ll know if you can do it by yourself. Or maybe professional help is needed. Anyhow, we can all agree that remodeling parts of your home can make a big impact and completely change its look for the better. It can make older things look newer or make a small space more spacious. If you are considering trying to do something like this, but you’re not sure where to start exactly, let us help you. Here are some home remodel ideas:

Repaint the walls so the room looks fresh

We can all agree that stains on the walls, washed-out paint, mold, or anything similar do not look good and presentable. Even the choice of wall color can make a room look smaller and lifeless. It’s astounding how a simple touch-up on the walls can make such a major difference. The good thing is that painting isn’t a complicated task at all. You don’t have to waste money paying someone to do the job instead of you this time. Buy a lively color at your local store that will match the aesthetic of the room, and have fun!

Front door and your home’s entrance

The front door and the yard first catch people’s attention when they walk by your home. That’s one of the reasons why you should keep it as arranged and organized as possible (also for your own pleasure). If you have an old and damaged front door, choose a preferably darker color and repaint them. They’ll look as good as new. When it comes to curb appeal, flowers are always the right choice. Bring more greenery to your yard: plant trees, other plants, and grass. Everything will come together beautifully in the end.

Backsplash in the kitchen

One way of remodeling and upgrading your kitchen is to install a backsplash. It would be tiring and costly if you had to paint your kitchen walls frequently because of the stains and splashes from the cooking. It is not practical at all. Backsplash is easy to clean, plus it can look very stylish and expensive - just make sure it matches the kitchen walls and the cabinets.

Recessed wall shelf

This type of shelf is perfect for a small room or just a small house in general. It is a great way to save space for storage while still making it look elegant. When it comes to storage, renting a unit can be helpful - especially while renovating. Rebuilding and upgrading your home can make a big mess; maybe there’s some furniture you’d like not to be in your house anymore, or you don’t have the space for other home items. That’s why storage makes renovation easier.

Curtains and drapes

Curtains are a key part of the overall look of the room and the window panels. It's not that important whether you choose to put curtains or drapes – try to match the door frame with each option. If the curtains you currently have are not in the best condition, ultimately, there is not much you can do to fix them. It would be best just to replace them with new ones.

Appliance hideaway

One of the most useful home remodel ideas is to install your appliances and put them into the cabinets. This is another way of saving space if your kitchen is small and you can’t afford to lose an inch of the countertop surface. Additionally, it looks fancy and stylish, and you won’t have to struggle with removing them from one place to the other if needed.

Making a garden is one of the home remodel ideas you should try

As we mentioned, curb appeal and your yard is something you need to keep well arranged. If you, by any chance, have a spacious backyard for renovation, it is the perfect time to put it to use. Instead of just being deserted and looking empty and like something’s missing, make a beautiful garden! Plant flowers, bring a table and chairs (they don’t have to be new, old ones will do just fine), and enjoy the calm and quiet.

Renovate the floor

Flooring can be one of the trickiest things when it comes to renovating a house. Usually, when it’s severely damaged, you need to call someone professional to help you fix the problem. However, if the damage is not grave and you have a limited budget - quality paint can do the job perfectly. Just make sure to put a couple of layers of paint, so it looks better and stays on longer.

Bathroom vent fan

It’s not that uncommon for mold to happen in bathrooms. The heat and steam from the shower create the perfect conditions for it to appear. But, by renovating a bathroom, we want to prevent that from happening. That’s why you’ll need a bathroom vent fan. Installing ventilation is not something complicated, but we suggest you leave it to the people trained for that and pay for the service. It will get rid of the mold and the fogged-up mirrors and windows after you take a shower.

Proper lighting

Good lighting can create a pleasant ambiance and make your home more welcoming. Whether it’s the outside lighting or the inside one we are talking about - what truly matters is the quality. We suggest you invest money in high-quality lighting and beautiful designs for chandeliers.


We hope you find these home remodel ideas helpful. Home renovation is essential, and upgrading your living space and making it look better than before is only logical. It doesn’t necessarily take a big budget, just your time and creativity.

Written by Dana Laksman

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